Май 2

The Present tenses (настоящие времена)

Цели урока:

формировать грамматические навыки и умения в процессе самостоятельной работы над темой;

развивать навыки сопоставления и сравнения с имеющимися аналогами и умения выезжать на чем изученной грамматикой и лексикой;

Оборудование: разноуровневые карточки, карта достижений.

Цели урока:

формировать грамматические навыки и умения в процессе самостоятельной работы над темой;

развивать навыки сопоставления и сравнения с имеющимися аналогами и умения употреблять изученной грамматикой и лексикой;

Оборудование: разноуровневые карточки, карта достижений.

Этап урока


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся


онный момент

2 минуты

Знакомит с темой урока и целью

Ставят себе мета выполнить тесты и упражнения, достичь той отметки, которую желают получить зa урок


ное изучение материала. дело с раз-
ми карточка-
ми (С-на«5», В-на»4», А –на «3»)

30 +5 минут

Раздает карточки по вариантам. Оказывает индивидуальную помощь, проверяет задания.

Изучают само-
стоятельно отвлеченный материал. Выпол-
няют задания по карточкам. Отме-
чают свои дости-
жения на карте



2 минуты

Подводит итог, анализирует таблицу

Сравнивают следствие таблицы с предполагаемым результатом


ное домашнее задание

1 минута


Желающие записывают задание

Ход урока
I. Организационный момент. Целеполагание.
Teacher: My dear friends, today we are going to work with all the present tenses in comparison. At the lesson you will study Grammar reference and have some practice in the Past tenses.
The first task is to study the theory and do the tasks in cards A, B,C
If you want to get a “5” you are to work with Card C.
If you want to get a “4” you are to work with Card B.
If you want to get a “3” you are to work with Card A.
You will have 15 minutes to work with the cards.
The second task is to do the computer tests: the tasks: № 1-5- “5”, №1-4- “4”, №1-3- “3”, N 6-8- Progress Check
You will have 15 minutes to do the tasks. Don’t forget to register your achievements in the chart. Good luck!


Card A “5”

Card B

Card C

1-5 “5”

1-4 “4”


gress check

















II. Самостоятельное изучение теоретического материала.

Card A
.Match the rules with their forms
Present Simple affirmative be + V ing
Present Continuous affirmative do/ does not V1
Present Simple negative V1/s (es)
Present Continuous negative be not + V ing

Card B
1. Put the verbs in the Present Simple.
Every Saturday Steve (go) …….. to the park with his sister. They (meet)…… their friends there and usually (fly)……… his kite. Carol often (watch)…. him or she (ride) ……her bike. Steve (have)…….. a hotdog for lunch in the park. Carol always (have) ……… lunch at home with their parents. Then she (go)…… to the shops with my mum. At five o’clock Carol (do)……..her homework but Steve (not do)……… his homework. He (watch)…….. football on TV. Steve and Carol usually (play)…….. computer games in the evening.

2. Put the verbs in the Present Continuous.
1. The carnival (start)…….now.
2. Rob and Kim (not watch)……. the carnival from the street.
3. The food stalls (not sell)…….English food. They (make)……only West Indian food.
4. Mark (not stand)…….. in front of the food stall. He (sit)….. on the wall.
5. Jenny and Mark (not eat)…… in the street.
6. They (take)…..the food to Kim’s flat.
7. The people (have)……..a great time.

Card C
1.Write positive and negative sentences in the Present Continuous.

1. he/ wear/a jacket
2. he /smoke / a pipe
3. he /carry/ bag
4. he /carry/ umbrella
5. he /go /to a dentist
6. he / wear / a hat

Write sentences in the Present Simple and the Present Continuous
It’s Saturday. Every Saturday Fred (play) ……football and his team usually (win)…… but today it’s a special match. They (play) ……the girls’ team. All the gangs are there at the match. Popsy usually (sing)……on TV on Saturday but today she (sing)…… a song for Fred the match. Look, Fred (stand)……….with her. Max usually(watch) …….. Popsy and the football match on TV but today he (sing)……..with Popsy! The twins (stand)……in front of Popsy and Max. They (not go)…….. usually to the football match on Saturday. . They ( go)……..to the fast food restaurant. But today they (watch)…….the big match. Look at Fred! He (do)……..his bicycle kick! He (kick)…….the ball. It’s a goal- but the ball is in the wrong goal! Oh dear, Fred! What a mistake!

Сабирова Алия Ильдаровна
Татарская гимназия № 17 имени Г.Ибрагимова г. Казани

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Опубликовано 02.05.2016 asvfedf в категории "Информация